EE Business Intelligence and the European Union Delegation to South Africa co-hosted a high-level webinar recently regarding the use of hydrogen in energy. The webinar, "Green Hydrogen opportunities for SA", took place in association with the Department of Science and Innovation, the European Commission, CSIR, Port of Rotterdam, Air Liquide, Enertrag and Nedbank.
This report-back was written by Chris Yelland, EE Business Intelligence
Green powerfuels are synthetic gaseous or liquid fuels based on renewable hydrogen, which is hydrogen obtained by the electrolysis of water using renewable electricity. Green powerfuels are therefore a renewable alternative to fossil fuels as their use avoids net emissions of CO2. Green powerfuels are used in sectors which may be difficult to decarbonise and not easily driven directly by renewables-based electricity, including road and rail transportation, shipping, and production of steel, cement and fertiliser, amongst others.
South Africa has exceptional wind and solar natural resources, which together with abundant, low-cost land, 50 years of experience in the commercial production of synthetic fuels using the Fischer-Tropsch process, and good shipping access to the rapidly growing international markets of the European Union and Japan, provide a unique competitive advantage for the country in the production of green powerfuels. The webinar explored the technologies, business case and opportunities for South Africa by renewable hydrogen and green powerfuels, both locally and internationally.
The webinar was opened by the European Union Ambassador to South Africa Dr Riina Kionka, who introduced Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation Hon. Dr Blade Nzimande, who gave the opening keynote address.
This was followed by high-level presentations by CSIR, the European Commission, Port of Rotterdam, Air Liquide and Enertrag, with summary and closing comments by Nedbank.
Please click on the links below to receive the full documentation from the first Green Hydrogen Webinar
- Full video recording of 1st Green Hydrogen Webinar
- Keynote address at the 1st Green Hydrogen Webinar by Minister Blade Nzimande
- Powerfuels & Green Hydrogen report by Thomas Roos and Dr Jarrad Wright, CSIR
- Presentation by Thomas Roos and Dr Jarrad Wright, CSIR
- Presentation by Dr Tudor Constantinescu, European Commission
- Presentation by Monica Swanson and Marc Aartson, Port of Rotterdam
- Presentation by Peter Mackey, Air Liquide
- Presentation by Dr Tobias Bischof Niemz, Enertrag
The webinar was attended by 1121 people.
We are busy planning the second and third Green Hydrogen Webinars which will be announced in due course, and look forward to meeting you there.
Contact Chris Yelland, EE Business Intelligence, Tel 082 317-4175,